Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I'm not sure if I'd rather be a woman or not. Sure, I could write about some incredibly interesting things that have happened to me, when my period started, if I missed my period, the weight of my breasts, whether or not to have a perm, how pissed off I was for getting paid less than my male counterpart at work, my aching to get spitroasted or have a DP... But does all this make me a misogynist?

I don't think so.

Life might not be as easy for women as it is for men, but it sure as hell is a lot more interesting.

When choosing new clothes for work, men have basically two options: double breasted suit or not (and I'd always say, "Not!") and which colour. How interesting is that? A woman can wear practically anything to an office, as long as she looks business-like, even a boob tube! I'd love to wear a boob tube! And my blog would be far more interesting if I did.

I wish I could be telling you now that my period is three days late and I'm worried I might be pregnant, moreover, I don't know who the Father is - also that the child could be born black, brown or white. But I can't.

I'm a man, albeit a gay man. Does this make my gender dull? What makes a woman more interesting? It can't be her desire for cock, for if it did, I would be interesting, too. I think women are more interesting than men because they're more mysterious. Men have the habit of laying their lives out on the table for all too see, whereas women keep a little bit back, they're more enigmatic.

But why be enigmatic?

Is it shame? Why does a woman not speak with everyone about having lots of sex, and if she does, why is she a slut, when if she were a man, she'd be a stud? Why would missing my period, if I were a woman, be a thing to be ashamed of?

I think I do wish I was a woman. It would be the best way to understand them.

I still think I sound like a misogynist, but I'm not. Promise.

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