Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Baby poo

What a lovely baby!

See more at Rate My Poo.


Alan Fisher said...

i can't imagine the sort of parent that must be to put a picture of their baby shitting itself on the internet.

Minge said...

A parent like me, I should think. ROFL! Thank God my insides are all wrong.

Dan said...

The day after my son was born, I arrived at the hospital after a very heavy night of drinking (*cough*wetting the babys head), still tipsy and very hung over. "Babys First Poo" is akin to tar - thick, black and smelly. And he did it as I arrived.

"Never fear love, I'll do it!" I told her... Well...

First off, I stripped him completely off - which is a bad thing. I then removed the nappy, only to have the little sod crap on me, then piss on me, and with a couple of seconds, he threw up his feed all over me.

Ahhh memories. And the nurse told me off for getting him naked. Pah.

Minge said...

A steep learning curve, then. But you're a good Dad, Dan. It's the thought that counts. Not the piddle, vomit and poo! I'm quite jealous.