Monday, February 06, 2006

Bum wash

According to the news, Toto are about to open a production plant in Mexico to keep up with the surging demand in the USA for heated toilet seats. See the news story.

A home's not a home without one in Japan.

I loved them. I also loved the bidet feature. Getting a bum wash was practically mandatory for me after every visit to the toilet, though, being the sexual pervert that I am, I always had the pressure of the water jet on maximum and aimed it directly at my poop-chute so a wee bit of water would go right up there! Oh, how refreshing!

I loved all the toilets in Japan, all the western style ones, anyway. I did, however, find the traditional Japanese toilets quite scary. They're like urinals laid down on the floor. My palms are sweating just thinking about it.

Anyway, water spraying, heated Japanese bog seats are fabulous and I only wish they were available here in the UK.

By the way, that photo of me is actually quite awful. I'm much fatter then than now. I did find another of me on a Japanese toilet. You can't see my genitals, but I do wonder if someone might complain to Blogger about objectional material - and I could get wiped from the world wide web! That's a horrible thought to go to bed on.


Alan Fisher said...

what on earth are you wearing? Did you get a black belt in bedroom furniture arranging while you were over there?

Minge said...

It's a yukata! A traditional item of clothing for taking the waters. Also, it felt like a dress, so I loved it. I love being a lady, wearing lady-like things, trying out different shades of lipstick. If only I had the courage to do it in public, like you, Alan.

Alan Fisher said...

That's not courage, dear. That's a side effect of the methodone