The daily adventures of a fabulous poof in an emotional jungle. Watch as imagination, fact and fiction blur into an insane life dependent on outrageousness and an occasional venomous jibe.
Vile! No, he was a dirty old man with the women in the branch. Staring at them, licking his lips, making lewd suggestions. He certainly wasn't queer. I wouldn't have touched him with a barge pole.
Actually, talking about being old... a few weeks ago I interviewed a wee Scottish girl for a job in my call centre in Bournemouth. When she left she departed with these words:
"Thanks Mr Fisher"
I nearly fainted! Mr Fisher is my DAD. I shouted at her, "Call me Alan", hoping to regain some youth, but she just gave me a weird look as she skipped out of the office.
I HATE that fucking bird in a nappy. I hope it dies horribly.
He wished he could fly right up to the sky...! ROFL! Keth Harris used to come into the building society where I worked. He was a right sleazy cunt.
did he insert his hand up your green hairy arse when he wanted to make a deposit?
Vile! No, he was a dirty old man with the women in the branch. Staring at them, licking his lips, making lewd suggestions. He certainly wasn't queer. I wouldn't have touched him with a barge pole.
you would think he'd be hit with the ladies, knowing that he's been fisting old birds for years.
ROFL! You're unique. You really are.
Are you calling me a tosser?
No, you're a very funny man. You always make Minge giggle.
a very funny man? Makes me sound old.
Actually, talking about being old... a few weeks ago I interviewed a wee Scottish girl for a job in my call centre in Bournemouth. When she left she departed with these words:
"Thanks Mr Fisher"
I nearly fainted! Mr Fisher is my DAD. I shouted at her, "Call me Alan", hoping to regain some youth, but she just gave me a weird look as she skipped out of the office.
Mr Fisher, INDEED. I've never been so upset.
So she made you feel old, and you reaffirmed your old-age by trying to sound young and cool?
Ouch... hehehe
I sense a mid-life crisis.
you are a pair of bitches
At least we see Orville being more entertaining than he has ever been!
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