Saturday, February 04, 2006


I've just been to a bathroom merchant to pick out some things for my new sanctuary d'eau.

Jeez, I can't believe it was so difficult to choose. Of course, a lot of it was totally naff, looked cheap or was completely out of my price range, so our choices were limited - but it was still the most bewildering, complex and baffling thing I have done in a very long time.

A white suite with white tiles and a blue mosaic floor are definitely in order. Don't think I'm evading the issue of stamping my personality on the house by going for bland and conventional. I am a bland and conventional person. I don't like gaudy and I don't like personal statements in decor. Accents, I do like, so there will be something weird, strange or wildly fabulous, but as of yet, I don't know what it will be. Any suggestions?

What am I thinking? I'm not bland and conventional, I just don't want to lie in the bath staring at busy patterns or eighteen different colours. I want to relax. I want to meditate. I want solace.

Think about it. The bathroom is perhaps the only place in the house where you can be alone and not be interrupted. Utilise this fact for all it's worth.

Still, the consequence of the end result will be quite the opposite to the bewilderment and confusion felt in the bathroom showroom this morning. It will be great to have a bath that I can lie in without thinking of the scabby cretins who might have used it before, sit on the toilet without thinking who'd had diarrhea there or who might have vomited into the sink into which I'm pouring water to wash my face.

The electric shower, which was installed before we bought the place, is objectionable in the extreme. It's like standing under a dripping tap. The flow is ridiculous. I really can't wait to have a proper shower - and that should be about June. How much am I looking forward to that!?

The bad 80s decor and peach sanitary ware will be right out of the window and replaced with something as tasteful and yet fabulous as a gay man's finances will allow.

I like to be mellow in a bathroom, especially when laying in the bath. No time for rushing. Even having a tiddle or brushing my teeth cannot be hurried. I like warmth, steam, candles and silence. Or perhaps sometimes a little music. On an occasion like this, though, I have no desire for disco music. Perhaps the only time, but definitely not while I'm in my temple mode. My body is a temple and I will worship it. Don't try and stop me! Of course, temple mode requires temple music and although I'm certainly not one for bongs, chants and bells, I think something ambient would suit or perhaps some light orchestral pieces. Definitely something ethereal. I'll leave the corporeal for other rooms in the house.

The bathroom is definitely a place for smells though, but they must be good smells. I don't like the smell of poo or farts at all. I rid them from my presence with an open window or some kind of organic bouquet. I do not like fake smells from a can. They are vile, even more vile than the poo smell I'm trying to mask. Good scents to use while bathing are definitely very gay: lavender, camomile and sandalwood. Even a straight man is a little bit gay in the bathroom - and that can't be a bad thing, can it!?


Alan Fisher said...

I yearn for the simple days, when you had one choice of colour for your outhouse - brown.

Alan Fisher said...

oh, I've put a pic of my shower onto my blog for your consideration. Although orange may not have the desired oasis of calm effect you're after.

Dan said...

Consider yourself thankful you didn't wander into the realm of "Made Up Colour Names". I HATE that place.

"Nice blue walls"
"It's not blue, it's 'Cornfield Blue and Sky'"

Doesn't help being colourblind either! hehe

Alan Fisher said...

I notice that you said "bathroom merchant"... I hope you don't mean wholesale. The only place to buy bathroom items is Vicor Paris.

Minge said...

Who is Voctor Paris? And does not knowing make me straight?

I've looked at your blog and seen the photograph. I have commented.

Dan, are you really colourblind?

Dan said...

Aye, colourblind to high heaven. There's a technical term for it, but I never remember it. Those "dotty colourblind tests" I have always been given - great fun - never seen any numbers in any of them! hehe

And don't worry - I don't know who Vicor/Voctor Paris is either.

Minge said...

Voctor! LOL! I'm such a dick head at times...

I suppose being colour blind must be strange. One can't really describe a colour, can one. Is it obvious to you every day? I'm sorry, I'm really ignorant about this. I'll have to do some research. Does everything appear in sepia? Or black and white? Or can you see some colours? How old were you when you knew you were different?

Dan said...

Nah, colourblind doesn't mean I can't see colours, it just means the colours I see aren't the same as the colours you would see. For example, my idea of sky blue is probably a lot different to yours. Green grass, red flowers...

It's hard to describe to be honest. I usually have trouble with greens/reds, blues/purples, and various others - shades are a nightmare.

It was "discovered" in me when I was about 5 or 6 years old, after my teacher pointed out to my mum that my colouring-in was off. Grass was yellow, sky was light green - it rang bells, and this is before they tested kids routinely for colourblindness. Turns out my uncle is colourblind, and my mum likely carries the "gene" for it - women aren't often affected by it.