Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Oh, joy of joys, Minge and the porno days... Alan, Junya and I had just finished the shoot for Onsen: Hot Splash In Japan. We sat around in the water for the stills.

Yes, we were naked! No, I'd never seen either Alan or Junya in the buff before! No, I didn't get a stiffy!

But have you got one now? I bet you have, you mucky bitch.


Alan Fisher said...

stiffy? no.

OMG!!!!!!!!! That picture is SO your next bathroom! You should have it installed immediately, fuck whatever the wife says (hi Phyllis x) and damn the cost.

Alan Fisher said...

Show us a picture of Phyllis... she's hot! And so manly. how come your wife wasn't in that disgusting meniosjatrois, or however you spell it.

Alan Fisher said...

OMG! Between posting silly messages here and on the other message where you're menacing a small japanese woman (or Korean woman, I can never tell them apart) I think I've turned into either:

a) A total nuisance
b) A total stalker
c) A complete Cunt.

Personally, I'm leaning toward the cunt option, for the first time in my life. Cheerio.

Minge said...

Phyllis? Hot?

No comment.

I guess you really were drunk.

Oh, please don't be a cunt. I really want a stalker!