Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Holiday, celebration, come together in every nation.

Seven days from now, dear reader, I'll be in bed, having set my alarm clock for four o'clock. Whether or not I'll be asleep. I can't tell you.

But what I can tell you is this: If you want me to send you a postcard from Japan, please email me privately (you can do so through my profile) with your name and address. If I don't hear from you, I won't send you a card. I'm not being mean, tight or thoughtless, I'm just being Minge. It will just make things easier for me if you let me know, and in good time, please, that you want a card. After all, I might not have your address. Or I might not have you in my new address book. I probably don't. You should see it. There are about five entries in it. Sadly, I've lost my old address book, so have no point of reference from which to copy, or, at least, jog my memory.

Seven days, dear reader, and I'll be gone!



Girl said...

A chance for fun mail??

Minge said...


Brian Farrey said...

Japan would scare me. I can fake my way around France or Germany with the spattering I know of each language but my Japanese is limited to Mooshi-Mooshi, Domo Arigato (Mr. Roboto), Konichiwa, and "Is Andy at home?" (I used to have a friend who lived as an exchange student and he taught me to say "Andy koon ee mahss kah?" when someone answered the phone.)

RIC said...

... And would you have the time and the patience to write to a bunch of curious guys around the world? I'd like that very much, yes. The Japanese culture is the one from the Far-East that attracts me the most. I even learned a few things, but they're now as good as forgotten. :-)

Minge said...

Brian - you have a fabulous memory. I'm crap with languages. If I don't use it for a few months, all is lost!

Minge said...

Oh, Ric, sure I'll send you a card. Just email me your address.

RIC said...

Okay then, I have your email now. I immediately remembered our talk about the Pet Shop Boys...
So «ucallmemadam» is you?! I would never think that was the case... I thought it was someone else.
I'll email you whether tonight or tomorrow morning, okay? :-)

PJS said...

How exciting! My mailbox is shivering with antici......... pation!

I've emailed you my real live address.

Minge said...

Ric - ucallmemadam is my beau!

PJS - consider it done!