Thursday, April 06, 2006


Smoking update:

I just had a fag. Barely lasted seventy two hours.

Och well... At least I tried. And I will try again. I promise.


gab said...

dont be too hard on yourself its tough xxxxxx

Minge said...

I feel such a failure. And to make it worse, I promised myself yesterday that I'd only have one a night until I'd finished the tin. I got up this morning and within an hour I was smoking.

Brian Farrey said...

Fall off the horse, get right back on. You can do it. If you'd like, I can go into all the horrible details of my mother's cavalcade of illnesses that she's currently suffering as a result of years of smoking.

I'd offer you a big sloppy snog when I'm in Scotland in August if you quit (because I don't kiss ashtrays)but I'm not sure how Ian would feel about that.

How about I offer to bring you the American alcoholic beverage of your choice if you stay off the ciggies?

Minge said...

Oh, Christ, I'll stop today!

Minge said...

What is your Mother going through, Brian?

Minge said...

I'm still smoking. You'll have to offer me more than a snog. Some Reece's products?

Brian Farrey said...

Here's a small sampling of the conditions that doctors have directly attributed to my mothers' smoking:

lung cancer
sleep apnea
congestive heart failure

There are more things which aren't directly attributed to the smoking but are offshoots of the above conditions so they count.

If you stop, I'll bring you Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Reese's Peanut Butter and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups with white chocolate and just about any other flippin' Reese's product you want.