I've been painting the decking. Well, the wee bit of decking we have in front of the garage. It's about 8' x 4'6". Being butch and painting decking is one thing, but my attire was decidedly another. I put on my short shorts, my tight little grey t-shirt and did it bare foot. How many straight men do that? Well, quite a few I suppose.
Sadly, the wee kiddy next door was continually grizzling so many fag breaks were in order to calm my nerves.
Phyllis had already painted the wee planters in front of the step, and what a fabulous job he made... I was inspired by his manly actions to get in touch with my masculine side and indulge in a spot of DIY myself (and no, that doesn't mean I tossed myself off).
So, the day is over and I can put butch Minge back in his box. One day a year is enough for any self-respecting homosexual. I wonder what butch thing I'll do next year? Change a car tyre? Go to a football match? Dress up in women's clothing and get drunk?
If it assists your butch-ness, I've done precisely zero manly things so far this year. Not one.
But I DID get some aloe vera washing up liquid to stop my hands getting so sore after the dishes ;)
Dan - you should be wearing marigolds! I never do the dishes without rubber gloves. All those detergents do terrible things to your skin!
hehehe sadly, I have very very large hands, and they don't come in my size without making me look like a proctologist... I've just done another hefty bout of the dishes, plus the cooker (which was filthy) and now have very pruney hands.
Is pruney even a word? hmmm...
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