Monday, July 03, 2006

Gay muslims

How fabulous!

For more images from Euro Pride, click here.

For a first hand account of time spent on the gay muslim float and some more fabulous photographs, click here, dear reader.


Moncrief Speaks said...

A Gay Muslim contingent marched in the San Francisco Pride parade -- right past the Muslim Information Center or whatever it was called on Market Street. You should have seen the Muslims in that building, leaning out of the upper windows screaming at the gay Muslims as they walked past. Oh my! It was a right kerfuffle.

Alan Fisher said...

I was only kidding about putting my name at the top of your list of links!

Oh, dear! I must seem like a big tantrum throwing queen now! lol

Minge said...

Alan, I know you meant it, you tardy little bitch.

Moncrief. Gay muslims rock! I can't say I understand it though. I mean, isn't a gay Christian the epitome of the oxymoron? Or am I wrong? I just don't know. I don't think Christians know themselves, though some gays seem to know what the answer to that question should be. I just thank my lucky stars that I don't care (in an introspective kind of way). Life's oh so full of far too many kerfuffles as it is.

Voix said...

I think that it is more than time for the conflict between religion and sexual orientation to get center stage. Good for them being proud of their culture, their religion, and their orientation.

And I don't care what Alan says, VOIX should be at the top of your blogroll. Seriously. I've got a great rack.

Moncrief Speaks said...

Christ never said anything about gayness, so I don't see why Christianity and homosexuality should be incompatible. It's just some of the people who call themselves "Christian" today who have a problem with it, but their message is pretty much 180 degrees from that of Christ.

Alan Fisher said...

lmao@michele.... nice one!

But I've got a freshly plucked rack so there.

Minge said...

You lot may have a great rack (and hair fee) - but I've got a great ass!

Minge said...

Christianity is totally fucked up...

The basis of the religion is to forgive, to love one another and love God. That's it. Simple. All that stuff St Paul added on at the end is ridiculous. If Christians really went for everything he said, women would sit apart from men in church and cover their heads. Do they? No. They do not. So how dare they mention homosexuality being a sin when women are sitting next to men all the time.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, thanks for the Big Up, Minge.

Being a total athiest mahself, I just can't resist an opportunity to get up some fundamentalist noses. Happily, there were very few in evidence on the day.

Anonymous said...

This is the subject of my blog - but I don't find it all so "fabulous" as you do. All (civil) comments welcome:

Eye on Gay Muslims

Minge said...

You think being a gay muslim isn't fabulous?

Anonymous said...

Oops. Spoke too soon....