Monday, July 03, 2006

A walk in the park

We decided to go for a walk yesterday, so drove down to the park along Comiston Avenue on the way to Morningside (I didn't see J K Rowling). It's not far, but thought best to drive as the weather looked on the change. Rain was definitely imminent.

Mary loves a stick. Mary also loves mucking about in rivers and streams. She must have thought all her Christmases came at once, yesterday.

I was sad to see that this shelter had recently been cleaned of its graffiti. Minge has been replaced with some dull tag. I did not write the word Minge, I promise.

A closed down cottage.

Who's mouth?

Meg has many obsessions. One of which is her imagining I am about to throw a ball at any given moment. She's often transfixed and cannot be distracted.

The storm clouds gather.

A dry Minge...

Within seconds of the above photograph being taken, the thunder began rumbling around in the sky, directly above us. Well, it wouldn't have been below us, would it, dear reader, but you get what I'm trying to say.

By the time we'd reached the car, the rain started and sheet lightning lit up the whole sky. It rained all afternoon.

I would have liked to have sat and watched an old movie. I love to do this when it's raining outside, it's very comforting. I didn't even switch the television on, though, feeling restless as I did. I stood at the kitchen door, watching the rain, listening to the thunder.


Alan Fisher said...

who's mouth is it?

Anonymous said...

OMG thats one of my favourite passtimes...watching and listening to rain. I live on the top floor of a 4 story building now though so I stand at the open windows and watch the rain. I love the sound of heavy rain, especially at night. When I lived in the US I remember a couple of massive violent thunder storms and I went to watch it from the beach since it wasn't raining much.

Minge said...

It's Phyllis' mouth.

Graham, you're a man after my own heart. I adore rain, thunder and lightning. I have no idea why, though. It's not like I get a thrill for the danger of it... Anyone know why humans like thunder, rain, lightning et al?

I like the word lightning because it's lightning and not lightening.

Brian Farrey said...

I love the first picture; very beautiful.

You know, if you could take a few more strolls through Morningside and at least make note of the homes that are NOT Rowling's, it would go a long way toward helping me stalk her in August. :-)

Minge said...

I'm on the case.

Rand said...

Great dog!

Minge said...

My dogs are my daughters!