As you may or may not know, dear reader, Alan is holding a photography competition. The theme is ground.
I've just submitted my (shitty) entry. Here, dear reader, are some of the rejects. They're all crap, I know, but I just wanted to share.
Another reject appeared here. Can you spot it?
I think the last one is good.
The first one is excellent. It's grimy, dirty and threatening. You've really caught something in that image.
I think your pictures are really good. You have an eye for photography! :)
Thanks for your comments - but they're all shit! I think I'm going to buy you all white sticks for Christmas!
well, forget for a minute that you took the first picture and look at it again. Don't you see a sense of danger in it? It creeps me out.
It might have been even more disturbing if you'd taken the shot from the top looking down, but I think you might have lost all that green, unsettling light.
I know what you mean about the first picture - the escalator. The Glasgow subway is all tube lights, orange and brown. It's like a weird 70s trip.
I find most things underground quite scary. There's the sense of being trapped, the roof caving in.
I have this awful fear. Sometimes I can't shake it off. I have to get out from an underground station. The only way out is a downward escalator. I can't run faster than it's decending. Horrible.
That escalator is out of a horror movie, I think.
How many entries have you got now, hen?
6 pictures so far. Still got time for the others to get theirs in however.
I have to say, mine is fucking excellent.
Can I email it to you?
Minge, I know what you mean. That underground looks especially claustrophobic with the very narrow tunnels the size of the cars and the cars themselves so squat. Not my personal fave.
Yes, Alan, please email it to me! I want to see!
I hope you're clothed this time, though.
Brett, the underground/subway system in Glasgow is very claustraphobic. You're right. It's scary!
okay, I've sent it....
OMG! Stiff competition, folks! I know at least that I won't be bloody well winning! LOL!
I think I might have to take adult ed classes in photography. Actually, that's not a bad idea, you know!?
photography is a great hobby. You should join a camera club, they normally meet once a week for a couple of hours and they go on field trips and things. I loved being involved in both clubs I was a member of.
(they're not the clubs I was in btw, just some that are near you)
The first one is very nice, moody.
I liked what you were doing with 5 thru 8 also, using the perspective to draw you in. Especially 6, with the lines seeming to converge on the door. Love the composition on 7! In fact, I like 7 the best!
Despite your comment, these pictures are far from shit! Good work.
Thanks, Juggerpix. I really appreciate that coming from you.
I still need lessons, though, and will take up Alan's idea of joining a camera club.
Framing and shooting may be one thing, but, hell, there's so much more to it, isn't there!? You know, light meters, post production...!
Alan's photograph is amazing. I can't wait to see the rest.
Do you think I should publish them all anonymously on Sunday or put peoples names next to them?
I think anonymous is best - but it's up to you, after all. What do you think?
And is anonymous voting possible?
anonymous voting? hmmm... room for cheating there!
I guess you're right.
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