Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Rule of thirds!

Phyllis and I went out into the city last night to practice my (lack of) photography skills. We decided the Scottish Parliament would make a good subject, so off we went.

Have a look at Ian's blog and his 27 Days post for his take on the sojourn.

Alan gave me some ideas, tips and told me about the rule of thirds. I was desperate to put this into practice!

I can't decide which photograph(s) to upload here as a good example of the thirds rule, so, until I do, enjoy these pictures of mon beau et nos chiennes.*

All in the hope of not looking too stupid as an entrant in Alan's photography competition!

Ian is quite a good photographer, actually. He studied photographs while in the RAF. I'd say he has the edge over me, but edge sounds like something narrow. On looking for a metaphor to explain the difference between his and my photography skills, the word canyon springs to mind!

*NB I am not obeying the thirds rule, though if I am, it's purely by chance.


Anonymous said...

Good pictures! I like what you did in the top one. Very monochromatic except for the traffic cone. I like it.

Juggerpix said...

At one point, I was a rule of thirds Nazi. If it wasn't off centered, or on the intersection a third of the way down and a third across, it was a bad shot.

I still shoot by the rule, but I use the rule of thirds as a "suggestion of thirds". Of course, sometimes I use my light meter as a "suggestion" too and I get crappy results.

Can't wait to see your rule pictures!