Saturday, July 01, 2006

First lesbian

A quick question for you, dear reader:

Was Eleanor Roosevelt's lesbianism based on any truth, fact or evidence? Or is it just an urban myth?

I once asked my Mother if she thought Ms Roosevelt was a lesbian. She told me the very idea was preposterous. Having said that, she still thinks Rock Hudson was straight and the whole thing about him being gay was made up by the tabloids in order to sell more of their rags.


Voix said...

Well, she and FDR were second cousins and from all reports, theirs was a loveless marriage but excellent partnership.

Is a woman with a strong personality who doesn't have sex with her husband necessarily a lesbian? No. Since Ellie was such a classy lady, would any but her closest coterie have known about her passionate side? NO.

It could be that she just didn't get laid for 40 years. Sad, but entirely possible. Happens all the time. Doesn't make her the founder of lesbetarianism.

Daddy Cool said...

It is a subject of much debate. I think she must have been bisexual at least. Here's the leading candidate:

Eleanor's close relationship to Lorena (Hick) Hickok from 1933 until Eleanor's death is the final subject of rumour. One of the first female reporters, Hickok initially covered the First Lady for the Associated Press. It was unusual at the time for a female reporter to cover politics, but Eleanor insisted on allowing only women to interview her or attend her press conferences. The two became very close and Hickok was known to be a lesbian at the time. Hickok was variously said to wear men's clothing, smoke cigars, drink scotch and play poker with other reporters. It was Hickok's suggestion that Eleanor begin the newspaper column, 'My Day'.

After Hickok's death, a collection of letters written by Eleanor was discovered - dozens of which included passages of open longing for Hickok. We now know that Hickok gave a ring to Eleanor in 1933, that she burned many of Eleanor's letters after the former First Lady died, and that photographs of the Roosevelt's family dinners at the White House were often cropped to remove Hickok before being published.

Moncrief Speaks said...

I'm not sure if she was or not, but I think this guy needs some cheering up, support, and role models.

sinner said...

what, just because she's butt ugly everybody says she's a lesbian??? what does that make Maggie Thatcher?

Alan Fisher said...

You COW! I was at the top of your blogs to read list and now I'm not! I've been alphabeticised and I ain't happy.

Restore me to the top or ELSE.


Minge said...

I think it's curious that her sexuality mattered.

Thanks for your input, everyone.

Minge said...

Alan, think of something I can use as a link to your site that will come first in my alphabetical list. Please. I've come up with all kinds of crap, but it's all shite.

Moncrief Speaks said...

How about just "Alan" and then A Novelist becomes "Novelist, A." Just a thought.

Alan Fisher said...

That woman is incredibly ugly. Like a horse in a wig.