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Do you suggest retaliation?
A spell? A petrol bomb? A prayer? Meditation? The planting of a new tree?
I'd suggest an axe, but I'm feeling spiteful today.
The daily adventures of a fabulous poof in an emotional jungle. Watch as imagination, fact and fiction blur into an insane life dependent on outrageousness and an occasional venomous jibe.
i've killed things, but never anything dear to me. I'd like to, mind you.
I once had an alcoholic friend and I wanted to kill him... and I knew i'd get away with it. Plastic bag over the head, and all that.
I chickened out though.
Are you serious?
of course not!
my last comment could be taken either way. let me clarify. No. I didn't want to kill anyone, plastic bag or otherwise. I made it up.
Now, garrotting. That's a different matter.
I have a cheesewire here that you can borrow.
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