Sunday, June 18, 2006

Love and Monsters

I've just seen the latest Doctor Who episode. If you've seen it, too, please give me your opinion on it by clicking here (you might have to join gaywhovians if you're not already a member - and if not, why not?).

Wow. Isn't my grammar and sentence construction simply shocking tonight!?!?


Brian Farrey said...

I'd rather give you my opinion here, if you don't mind.

Ummm... Weird. That's my opinion.

It's unlike any other Who episode but then I tend to like TV where they play with the narrative structure. One of my favorite X-Files episodes involved a writer interviewing other people about Mulder and Scully and they didn't tell the story for once.

I'm fascinated by that aspect of it. I'm not sure if it made me like it, though. (And I really hated using the sonic screwdriver to resurrect Moaning Myrtle's face in the sidewalk. Jesus H. Christ, the new sonic screwdriver can do fucking anything. It needs to start having some limitations.) So, yay for the experimental narrative structure. ??? on whether or not I liked it as a whole. And boo on the sonic screwdriver giving Elton a sidewalk girlfriend. (I was also not a fan of the Scooby Doo chasing of the monster in the opening sequence.)

Why? What did you think?

Alan Fisher said...

oh for Gawds sake... Dan jump in and help me. Doctor Who is pish.

I hate Billie Piper. I don't like Davros. I quite liked Peter Davidson's outfit. And I really liked the umbrella with the red question mark handle sported by Sylvester McCoy...

Wait a fucking minute? Am I a secret Doctor fan after all?

Brian Farrey said...

No, Alan, you just like to dress up like a nelly cricket player and jam a crooked umbrella up your backside.

Where the hell is Minge to help me defend the Doctor's honor?

Dan said...

Let me sum up Doctor Who from the first episode to present day.


As in "Big pile of..." I mean, come on - he's got a failed pop-singer as his sidekick, a magic screwdriver, Daleks that were completely deadly - until you ran up a flight of stairs, LED BY an old chap in a fancy wheel chair. You've got robots, you've got stretched skin - and their mode of transport? A bloody police box. Sorry, a police box with a bit more space than normal.

Remember folks, you can't spell Tardis without Tard.

Brian Farrey said...


A little help here?

Dan said...

I think he's hanging his head in shame for watching Dr Who...

stickola said...

I really liked it. Was a bit weird with the Doctor and Rose only featuring for about 5 minutes but still enjoyed it.

Alan Fisher said...

a magic screwdriver? lmao

Minge said...

I'm going to blog about Doctor Who and coming out. The two topics aren't related!

Brian Farrey said...

Just make sure that when you blog about DW, you tell Alan and Dan exactly what vortex they can stick their highly uninformed, and occasionally juvenile, opinions.


Minge said...

Will do, hen.