Friday, June 30, 2006

Euro Pride

Euro Pride is in London this year.

It's set to be a very hot and sticky weekend in the UK's capital city.

I hope you, dear reader, have a very hot and sticky weekend yourself.


Brian Farrey said...

I'm going out of town to see fireworks. What are YOU doing this weekend, dearest Minge?

Minge said...

Je ne sais pas! I might knit myself a nice cardy.

Dan said...

I'm already hot and sticky!
And my weekend starts in..... 1hr 9mins - granny coming to get the kids so me and Jo can start getting sloshed and then go to a friends to added to the sloshidness!

Yay Booze!

Which means Saturday will be Hangover Saturday, and Sunday will become Mong-Out-Sunday.

Minge said...

Very naughty! Saturday is Haiku Saturday and Sunday is Fib Sunday! Prepare to be punished!

Dan said...

Well, in the United Nations of Dan, I don't recognise either day, but only because I am not THAT kind of creative.

Now Beer-Chugging-Friday, now you're talking ;)

Alan Fisher said...

I'm with Dan. I like chugging.

Dan said...

I suppose we have variants on Bloggers-Down-A-Pint-Day, but making it a pint of something else. Beer, Absinthe, Wine, Bleach... I'm sure it'd make fascinating reading.

Assuming the author is conscious of course. You don't need to be coherant, just able to click the buttons to post.

Minge said...

I don't think Dan knows what chugging is, Dan.

Dan said...

Well, lucky for me, I checked the Urban Dictionary, and MY definition of chugging is #1, while Alans is #2.

So phew :)

Alan Fisher said...

I liked a good number 2 after chugging

Minge said...

A number 2???

That's scat!

Minge said...

A number 2???

That's scat!

Dan said...

*LALALALALA* Not Listening!
And speaking of #2... Minge, you did exactly what Alan did earlier and double posted.

Minge said...

I didn't do it on purpose!