The daily adventures of a fabulous poof in an emotional jungle. Watch as imagination, fact and fiction blur into an insane life dependent on outrageousness and an occasional venomous jibe.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
This is a photograph of Emily and I. Emily is my niece. How old do you think I am?
Me again, Speaking from mother's point of view, one reason was sanitary, I am not chasing my boy around reminding him to clean under his foreskin! (btw, I have known 3 men who have had to have the cut in the 20's and 30's. Medical issues.) And the other less important was that he would look just like Daddy!! (and btw, I like Daddy's!!!) ;))) LOL
omg! you look really cute! And look at the length of those legs! How come you only ended up being 5'2?
You little bitch!
Of course I was cute. I still am!
He said he could always go back to accepting a flat-screen television�or a and state officials to clean up skid cut to become a teacher. a day.
I'm sorry?
The clue is in the subject line, btw.
what clue? what subject line?
"take it away and bring me another lover"
Lol! Isn't Patsy's Mum fabulous?
Twelve. So the picture was taken...what, 1952?
you go girl!
Brian! You're cut off for a week!
Brian's cut?
Je ne sais pas.
He must be... all American boys are. I think it's ridiculous to butcher newborn babies in that way.
I'd sue, if they'd done it to me with my written consent.
*without*, I mean
Can we, um, leave my tallywhacker out of this discussion, please?
And, Minge, I'm sorry for the mean joke. Remember, I'm older than you so I have no business calling you out like that.
Me again,
Speaking from mother's point of view, one reason was sanitary, I am not chasing my boy around reminding him to clean under his foreskin! (btw, I have known 3 men who have had to have the cut in the 20's and 30's. Medical issues.) And the other less important was that he would look just like Daddy!! (and btw, I like Daddy's!!!) ;))) LOL
OK, I'm not coming back to this thread anymore; too much talk of dick chopping.
Is circucision scary?
what if the doctor miscalculated and chopped the tip of the penis off too? urgh...
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