Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hapy Fathers' Day

Today is Fathers' Day. Happy Fathers' Day to all the Fathers' out there.

I'd say happy Fathers' Day to mine, but I won't. He's not a good Father. He wasn't a good husband. He's not a good man.

So, I'd also like to say Unhappy Fathers' Day to a few Fathers and children out there.

Not all Fathers are good people, which is a shame.

I wonder what I'd be like if I was a Father?


Dan said...

Thank you very much :)

Never been a fan of Fathers Day, but it changes when you have your own kids.

I'm sure you'd make a great dad to be honest. You're smart, well-informed, and have a sense of humour that would appeal to them.

Minge said...

Children usually like me because I can be as childish as any four year old.

Dan said...

Possibly the same reason my kids like me ;)
Most of my friends say I have a Peter Pan complex!

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day, Dan.

Minge love, sorry your Papa was a rolling stone. Bah.

Lucas said...

I'll bet your doggie thinks you are a good dad Minge! Sorry your pop wasn't up to snuff. They should really administer a test or something before people are allowed to reproduce. Of course, if they did, many of us wouldn't be here. Nevermind. How about just Happy Sunday!

Brian Farrey said...

I think you'd be a fab father. You have a great sense of fun but I also sense you can buckle down and be serious when you need to.

A Novelist said...

I think you would make a fabulous father! I don't personally know you, but by reading your blog you seem honest, smart and you have a great sense of humor! :)

Alan Fisher said...

I just can't see you with a baby in tow... even if you had a selection of Romanian orphans sent over.

They'd cramp your style and touch things in your house. And you wouldn't like that.

Imagine a toddler touching all your beloved PSB cd's????? You'd kill it!

It's better to have them over for an hour and then send them home with their parents.

Actually, it's better not to have them over at all. Nicola invited her friend to lunch at my house once and Vicky brought her evil spawn of Satan baby (strangely called Damian, I kid you not) and the wee bugger touched my 61 inch telly. I was NOT pleased.

Babies in gay men's houses are not to be tolerated. I mean, have you ever seen that docu-soap-a-rama with the two English poofs who sired genetically identical twins with an American surrogate mother? SHIVER.

Minge said...

I sometimes think it would be nice to have a child because I could bring it up better than all the neds that have millions. I'd feed it properly and teach it good manners. But that's not a good reason to have a baby. Plus the fact that it would get on my nerves. I'd want to blog, but it would want me to change its frikkin' nappy.