Saturday, June 24, 2006

Haiku Saturday

It's Haiku Saturday!

Come and play, dear reader.

Haiku On A Hill Stood A Lonely Goatherd!

Click here! Go on, you know you want to!


Voix said...

Your fidelity is outstanding, darling.

Minge said...

I hope, even if I'm not rewarded in this life, I'll be rewarded in the next.

Alan Fisher said...

I would join in but I feel it's over my head, all that poetry stuff.

Lucas said...

Alan - Haiku's are for everyone who can count syllables. I have faith in your intellect! Give it a try.

Alan Fisher said...

what's a silabul?

Minge said...

It's like the beat count of a word, Alan. Alan has two - Al-an. Fabulous has three - fab-u-lous. Get it?

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. It doesn't have to rhyme, but these are the rules:

The first line must have five syllables, the second must have seven and the third line, five again.

It should contain something about a particular season, but that's really ignored these days, especially when written in a language other than Japanese.

Go on, give it a try!

You write a haiku on the topic given by the last person to contribute, then you give the topic for the next person, and so on. Go on, you know you want to.

Alan Fisher said...

I'd rather vomit
down the front of my t-shirt
then eat it all up

Minge said...

Well done!

Alan Fisher said...

I bet you counted the siluble things to make sure I'd got it right!

Minge said...

You know Minge so well.