You can see it just as well from the roadside if you look through the fence.
The daily adventures of a fabulous poof in an emotional jungle. Watch as imagination, fact and fiction blur into an insane life dependent on outrageousness and an occasional venomous jibe.
How much does it cost to get in? And once you're in, how close can you get?
I think it was about six pounds to get in and you couldn't get much closer to the monument than I was at the roadside. Perhaps another five to ten yards (I'm using yards especially for you, hen). Don't quote me on that, though, my memory isn't what it was, now that I'm middle aged.
you cheapskate pair o mofo's
(rolls eyes) Middle aged. You're younger than I, sweetie, and I'm certainly not middle aged.
Now Ian on the other hand....
Oh, and thanks for the yards. But stick with metric. I have to learn metric or I'll never make it across Scotland.
Anonymous, who are you? Tell me now or I start ignoring you. I'm good at ignoring.
Brian, we still have bloody miles etc here. Don't worry. We're stuck in the past, but desperate to get out. Do you think we'll make it? If Eire can do it, why can't we?
If you're supposed to live three score years and ten, thirty five is in the middle, so the thirties = middle aged. No?
I'm just a jaded old cunt.
Or an old jaded cunt?
anonymous is ME!
tee hee... I knew this would bug you!
Let me give you a clue to my secret identity....
Hmmm, lemme think.
I know! Who do you know that is so lazy they can't be bothered logging in to leave you a message and instead click the "anonymous" button?
No, middle aged is...
Well, 40. Wouldn't you say, Ian?
I'm actually voting that Tony Blair is the anonymous poster.
rofl... you cheeky wee minx.... got it in one.... c'est moi! The Fishmeister! xxx
I deny EVERYTHING that anonymous has said.... ain't nuffink ta do wi' me, hen....
ignore her... she's a lying bitch and deserves to have her ovaries removed with a fish knife.
HOY! Anonymous... ya cheeky wee bass...... git yersel' aff ma pals blog ya feckin twat
WHIT? Fuckin make me, ya ugly cunt... who day ye think ye fuckin ur?
Haw ya bass... dinnae make me cum oer there, ya wee cunt....... ah cannae stand ye und yer wee cute Scoatish menirisms.... yur a cunt un ye ken it... ya bass
okay, I admit defeat. I'm anonymous and you're fucking gorge.... g'night ya big hunkospunk
(call me)
Oh, Alan, you really held your own with Ms Anonymous!
Spooky - you were both online at the same time!
Brian, you have to face it, hen. We're middle aged. Like it or not.
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