Thursday, January 19, 2006

At the end of the day

I was just emailing Marlene... I found myself typing, "All part of life's rich tapestry." Oh, shit, how I hate that phrase and really object to people who say it, but I find myself saying it all the time! I also hate, "At the end of the day..." Really, one could simply omit this phrase from speech and text and it wouldn't make one jot of difference. I also hate the word "nice."

All these things have rubbed off on me from my old English teacher in
the 80s. He was something of a hero to me. He really got me interested in literature, writing, poetry and the arts. His name was Mr Valentine and I'll never forget him. He made me feel good about myself for thirty minutes each day.


gab said...

love u roy xxxxxx

Alan Fisher said...

i don't mind those words but I hate when people wiggle their fingers to indicate inverted comma's

I also don't like, like when people say like.

Minge said...

You mean like, when people say "like" and wiggle their middle and index fingers, like?

Alan Fisher said...

Like, kinda... you know, at the end of the day, like, I s'pose it dun't really, like, matter.