Sunday, May 07, 2006


In the wee small hours of Thursday morning, something funky happened. I was awake (I believe) but totally forgot!

The full digital time at two minutes past one in the morning and three seconds (01:02:03 am) was:

01 02 03 04 05 06

How fabulous was that?

Of course, the Americans doing everything back-to-front, had this outrageous event back in April.

In the USA, the full digital time at two minutes past one in the morning and three seconds (01:02:03 am) on 5th April was:

01 02 03 04 05 06

What a shame that nothing wild or whacky happened.

I thought Jesus was going to come again. Damn! And I had Earl Grey teabags, french fancies and individual sherry trifles in as well.


Voix said...

I'll come over and eat Jesus' trifle if he doesn't want it.

Minge said...

He doesn't. It's yours. Hurry up though, before I eat them all.