Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm Fib Sunday, like my saviour!

It's Sunday.

The clocks went back an hour last night. It's 09:56. That's GMT. Real time, not this BST bull shit. Many people think that this time of year is splendid because one gets an extra hour in bed. I spent my hour of time travel chatting with XWiz last night on Adium. He's a clever boy and I am stupid. Together, we got it up and running. Then chated.

We spoke (albeit briefly) about the new songs we're working on. Two songs (without giving too much away) about religion. We need more lyrics, so I'll be working on that shortly, but I'm inspired by our musical style to delve into the depths of my mind (yes, it can be deep at times) and find something funky. I may give up. I might not. We'll see.

I was thinking a lot about inspiration last night. It seems our new effort is a celebration of all things electronica, from its earliest days until now. Today's sound, tomorrow's technology. Ok, so yes, in XWiz's words, "Yesterday's technology." But that's fabulous. We love old skool. We love retro. We love the past. Everything that's old is new again.

It would be so fabulous to create a world in which all the sounds we adore can co-exist, in a world where they wouldn't necessarily live together in a state of happy union. I'm thinking of a flat share, inhabited by Laurie Anderson, Army Of Lovers, Pet Shop Boys, Bent, Kraftwerk, Erasure, XWiz and Minge. Lo-fi electonica.

It's Fib Sunday.

As you may or may not know, dear reader, Minge has been away. But I'm back now. While I was away, some gorgeous hunk hosted Fib Sunday for three fabulous weeks. I'm sure you'll agree with me that he did a most fabulous job. If he's not rewarded in this life, he'll most certainly be rewarded in the next. If there is one. Let's cross our fingers. Please.

If you don't know how to play, or what's going on, please click here for instructions.

Basically, one creates a poem whose syllables follow the number sequence of the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8), using the topic proposed by the previous contributor. Our last topic was provided to us by an anonymous contributor and that topic is:


In a shoe.
With too many kids:
So she sold them to the gypsies.

Next topic:



Mr. Anjou said...

Topic: Crucified

Coup de grace,
I love to listen
to Beethoven 15 in A

Next topic: Sayoni (the twin goddesses mentioned in the Rig Veda).

(Q: wouldn’t a mathematician argue that the first entry in the Fibonacci sequence is zero? Do I leave a line break? Ah, so deliciously esoteric. Why didn’t I discover you, Minge, when my mind was still at least moderately nimble?)

Minge said...

You're right, Anjou, of course. But I guess it's not possible to write nothing. Or is it? Let's not get carried away here, again. You know how existentialism makes my brain hurt. Let's imagine, from now on, a Fib has seven lines. The first line is a silent though, without words, sounds or imagery...!


Whispering, "We can't be parted."

Next topic:


Brian Farrey said...

like, say,
Keeps me from writing
something tres brilliant in this space.

Next topic:

Distraction as foreplay

Rand said...

Is that she?
Your favorite star?"
You turn to say "No." Our lips meet.

Next topic:

Raking leaves

Anonymous said...

Clear them once
But the wind brings more.
Neighbour has a large old tree.

Next topic


Ajunt said...

Used for what?
Put on kitty's paws
See her run like mad upstairs, Ha!

I did this once to my cat just to be mean!!

Next topic:


Rand said...

leaves to rake...
hayrides and apples,
verdant summer turned orange and red.

Next topic:

holidays with relatives

Brian Farrey said...

Dad are
fine but leave
brother and sister
elsewhere. Now there's a good Christmas.

Next topic:

How great is it that Alan the Irish Librarian is blogging again?!