The daily adventures of a fabulous poof in an emotional jungle. Watch as imagination, fact and fiction blur into an insane life dependent on outrageousness and an occasional venomous jibe.
I LOVE cooking with Minge...maybe I should try this...? I think you may have inspired me! :)
I have to say that after seeing all these expert cookery videos I'm thoroughly ashamed with everything I've ever cooked for you.
You can peel mushrooms? You're NEVER supposed to wash mushrooms, just brush them down!
Oh you can buy Mirin in Scotland? How Fab it'll make it all the more easier to get Junya over home
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I LOVE cooking with Minge...maybe I should try this...? I think you may have inspired me! :)
I have to say that after seeing all these expert cookery videos I'm thoroughly ashamed with everything I've ever cooked for you.
You can peel mushrooms? You're NEVER supposed to wash mushrooms, just brush them down!
Oh you can buy Mirin in Scotland? How Fab it'll make it all the more easier to get Junya over home
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